CONTENT WARNING: Contains [images of/descriptions of] death or dying.

Kachin Agony: A Charcoal Cry of Silent Genocide


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This piece is a multimedia charcoal drawing to bring attention to the atrocities of an ongoing war on the Jinghpaw people. The composition consists of an adult woman clutching fabric to indicate the death of a child as a result of the Burmese Military. This woman is dressed in Kachin (Jinghpaw) clothing to show their culture. The red wash symbolizes death to bring a dramatic contrast between the black and white of charcoal. There is no background to further bring the model into the main focus.


Hello everyone! I am currently a Junior at Michigan State University. I am pursuing a Major in Microbiology and a Minor in Comic Art & Storytelling! I know my Major and Minor are quite different, but that’s what fun about it. In my STEM-based time, I’ll study classes like Biochemistry or be working in my research lab extracting DNA. But, moments, where I can turn off my brain, are when I am feeling as I draw on paper with charcoal or coming up with a light-hearted comic for my comic art class. Ultimately, I hope that my art speaks to you all and can be used as a voice for those who do not have one.


This microgrant has helped me complete my project in a multitude of ways. Firstly, it aided in helping to supply the materials needed to create this multimedia drawing. This is something that has always been a struggle especially when taking classes here at MSU. Until I became a CAL student, I didn’t realize the expense of BEING a CAL student. For example, for the first drawing class I took, STA 110, the kit needed was around $110. Rightfully so with what supplies you receive, but that was a lot compared to what I spent in a STEM class. Second, whatever was left over was used to help pay for my tuition so that I could continue to study for higher education. Again paying for supplies for class while having tuition to also pay for appalled me after adding an art minor. So having this grant was a huge help to students who are paying the majority of their tuition themselves. I am forever grateful that opportunities like this grant are available for CAL students. Art was always a prominent factor in my life and only grew during Covid. During this time, it gave me a lot of time for self-reflection and growth. I did not have many friends in highschool which became even more isolating during Covid. But what I always fell back to was art. I ended up learning a bunch of piano pieces, such as the Howl’s Moving Castle Theme. I started to have more time to let my creative juices flow in the stillness of time as a result of Covid. I fell in love again with art and Covid gave me the time to reflect on why I love creating, playing, and pouring my heart and soul into art. As I have mentioned above about how I was able to utilize the grant to aid me in supplies and tuition, there is no doubt that financial help such as this would aid CAL students. I support the continued aid for CAL students.