
Rope of Emotion


Rope of Emotion is a storyline about the multitude of emotions experienced as a result of loss, isolation, and grief felt by all those enduring the lasting effects of COVID-19. The mediums used are foam and clay for the base, along with yarn/string wrapped around each figure. The plastic bubbles are used to show each figure in cohesive isolation. 


Pronouns: She/her/hers 

Studio Art and Media & Info. double major 


This Microgrant helped me complete my project because I was able to purchase all materials without worry of money. Before winning the microgrant, I was going to scale my project down to being about a foot tall. Originally my idea was to make it life size for a more dramatic effect. After receiving the money from the microgrant, I was so excited because I could actually get enough materials to make my project the scale it was intended to be. This was also very helpful because it gave me the chance to try something I’ve never done before. For a while I have wanted to experiment with clay to create life size human forms, but never had the chance to. This was a step in that direction. I can’t wait to continue my art making to see what I can do next, with this practice and experience behind me. 

What I’ve learned through the process of making during the pandemic is that mental health is so important. I knew this before, but with so much time on my hands to focus on my mental health, my relationships with people around me, and of course my art. I experienced some struggles. This project gave me something to put my energy into that I enjoyed while helping me cope with my feelings through everything I was/am dealing with. I have also learned that you can create anything if you put your mind to it. At times this project felt really stressful. But, once I started seeing progress in my work, I actually shocked myself. I saw my vision come to life. If you believe it’s possible, then it is. 

Students will definitely benefit from financial support like this in the future. It was an amazing opportunity. Thank you all again.