
In this video, I create a drawing of George Floyd using the words “George Floyd”, “I can’t breathe”, and “Justice for George”. During this time lapse of me drawing, there is a voice over of words written describing the Black Lives Matter movement and commion misconceptions of the movement itself. This is a three minute and twenty seven second video.

I am a sophomore at Michigan State University who permanently resides in a suburb of Minneapolis/St.Paul Minnesota. I am majoring in both Graphic Design and Creative Advertising. 

Content Warning

Speaking about death, Speaking about racism.


Receiving the microgrant helped me in the production of this project because it gave me access to be able to pay for adobe platforms that helped me create the piece of art that is shown in the timelapse included in the process. I am extremely grateful for the microgrant being given and also being able to use the programs I used. While creating during Covid I have learned how important communication is. I am allowed to turn my project in later because I ran into my computer breaking for a significant amount of time. I am so lucky that the communication was communicated well enough and I was able to use the time I was given. I also believe that Covid has made me understand and interpret how important working with people is. Rather that be through a computer, or together in person. This was difficult, because I wanted to go protest and take live footage and stand up for what I believe in, but because I was living with my parents I was unable to do so with the fear that I might bring something back that would make them sick. Coming together and standing up for what you believe in is so important especially during times like these. With all the racial movements happening and espically now during the election. Covid made me realize that standing up for what you are believing rather than being in person if you are able to or online. I do believe that other CAL students would benefit from financial support like this in the future. I have always wanted something worthy of being in my portfolio that was specifically a video essay.  Before this, I had no real “video” and speaking portion of my portfolio and now because of this grant I have a great project to include in my portfolio for other opportunities in the future.